List of Real Estate agents
Get instant access to list of real estate agents regularly.

list of real estate agents USA
A datasets of the top active real estate agents from USA.
- Available in Excel (XLS) format
What’s in the file
- Name
- address
- city
- state
- phone_number
- country
- country_code
- county
- zip_code
- latitude
- longitude
- Business Name

list of real estate agents Canada
A datasets of the top active real estate agents from Canada.
- Available in Excel (XLS) format
What’s in the file
- Name
- address
- city
- state
- phone_number
- country
- country_code
- county
- zip_code
- latitude
- longitude
- Business Name

list of real estate agents UK
A datasets of the top active real estate agents from UK.
- Available in Excel (XLS) format
What’s in the file
- Name
- address
- city
- state
- phone_number
- country
- country_code
- county
- zip_code
- latitude
- longitude
- Business Name

list of real estate agents Germany
A datasets of the top active real estate agents from Germany.
- Available in Excel (XLS) format
What’s in the file
- Name
- address
- city
- state
- phone_number
- country
- country_code
- county
- zip_code
- latitude
- longitude
- Business Name

list of real estate agents Italy
A datasets of the top active real estate agents from Italy.
- Available in Excel (XLS) format
What’s in the file
- Name
- address
- city
- state
- phone_number
- country
- country_code
- county
- zip_code
- latitude
- longitude
- Business Name

list of real estate agents China
A datasets of the top active real estate agents from China.
- Available in Excel (XLS) format
What’s in the file
- Name
- address
- city
- state
- phone_number
- country
- country_code
- county
- zip_code
- latitude
- longitude
- Business Name

list of real estate agents France
A datasets of the top active real estate agents from France.
- Available in Excel (XLS) format
What’s in the file
- Name
- address
- city
- state
- phone_number
- country
- country_code
- county
- zip_code
- latitude
- longitude
- Business Name

list of real estate agents Spain
A datasets of the top active real estate agents from Spain.
- Available in Excel (XLS) format
What’s in the file
- Name
- address
- city
- state
- phone_number
- country
- country_code
- county
- zip_code
- latitude
- longitude
- Business Name
Need a custom List of Real Estate agents?
If you only need a subset of sellers e.g. from specific locations, with under 500 products, only with contact data etc., let us know and we’ll prepare a custom list for you on a fixed, per-lead basis:
Product Details
Product description, images, prices, stock availability, related products. We can also enrich scraped data with sales estimates per product/seller based on Jungle Scout's data.
Specifications and Metadata
All the metadata and detailed product information, manuals if available.
Product review text, rating distribution, frequently mentioned keywords. Enrichment with Fakespot data is possible too.
Seller Details
All seller details such as their physical address, rating, description, phone and email (if available), brands and number of products sold, estimated revenue, if they're using FBA or not.
- $0.25 per lead with email and phone
- $0.20 per lead with either email or phone
- $0.10 per lead without email or phone but with a physical address
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Don't waste time and money on learning and maintaining new software
Leave scraping to us and you won't even see a single line of code

Your benefits
- Save money on software and developers
- Customized exactly to your needs
- No long-term contracts
- No learning curve
- No setup fees
Sarah Leeson Owner
Scrape Yogi is my go to for finding the best data. An accurate and affordable solution for all type of location data.

Dave Sylvester Analysis
Scrape Yogi takes the work out of finding a store for your budding business. It makes life so much easier for all of