List of BPO Companies

This is a complete list of BPO Companies database along with their geographical coordinates.

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There are numerous sizable Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) businesses worldwide, and there are various ways to gauge how big they are in comparison. Some of the biggest BPO firms, ranked by revenue, are:

Accenture: This is a large, international provider of professional services, which includes BPO services. In 2020, they generated more than $44.3 billion in revenue.

IBM: IBM is a multinational technology company that provides a variety of services, including BPO services. They had a revenue of over $74 billion in 2020.

Capgemini: Capgemini is a French multinational professional services and consulting company that provides BPO services among other services. They had revenue of $17.1 billion in 2020.

Infosys: Infosys is an Indian multinational organization that offers services for outsourcing, information technology, business consulting, and software development. In 2020, they made $13.8 billion in revenue.

TCS: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is a global Indian IT services and consulting firm that, among other things, offers BPO services. In 2020, they made $22.1 billion in revenue.

As these are publicly available data, it should be noted that these rankings and numbers could change in the upcoming year.

Business process outsourcing (BPO) is the practice of contracting with a third party to perform specific business operations. BPO comes in a variety of forms, but some of the more popular ones are as follows:

Back office BPO: In this sort of BPO, non-core administrative tasks like data entry, accounting, and human resources are outsourced. Back office BPO’s primary objectives are cost reduction and increased effectiveness.

Front office BPO: With this kind of BPO, customer-facing tasks like sales, customer service, and technical support are outsourced. The major objectives of front office BPO are to enhance customer satisfaction and boost sales.

KPO (Knowledge Process Outsourcing): In this kind of BPO, complicated, high-value operations that call for specific knowledge and abilities, like financial analysis, legal research, and medical coding, are outsourced. KPO’s major objective is to gain access to specialized knowledge that might not be available internally.

Although these are the most prevalent BPO services, there are other kinds as well, including Infrastructure Management BPO, ITES-BPO, LPO (Legal process outsourcing), R&D BPO, Healthcare BPO, etc. Different demands and industries are served by various BPO service types. Customers can also combine these services with those provided by BPO service providers. For improved coordination and cost savings, many businesses increasingly decide to outsource numerous functions to one provider.

There are many Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) service providers in the United States, and the best one for a particular company will depend on the specific needs of the company and the services offered by the BPO provider. However, some BPO service providers that are considered to be among the best in the USA include:

  • Accenture: Accenture is a global professional services company that provides a wide range of BPO services, including back office, front office, and KPO services. They have a strong presence in the USA and have many clients in various industries.

  • IBM: IBM is a multinational technology company that provides a variety of BPO services, including back office, front office, and KPO services. They have been in the BPO industry for many years and have a strong reputation for providing high-quality services.

  • Capgemini: Capgemini is a French multinational professional services and consulting company that provides BPO services among other services. They have a large number of clients in various industries and have a strong reputation for providing high-quality services.

  • Genpact: Genpact is a global professional services firm focused on delivering digital transformation for clients. They have been in the BPO industry for many years and are known for providing high-quality services, particularly in the finance and accounting and mortgage services space.

  • Concentrix: Concentrix is a technology-enabled global business services company that provides a wide range of BPO services, including customer service, technical support, and back office support. They have many clients in the USA and are considered to be a leader in the industry.

These are some of the best BPO service providers in the USA, and it’s important to note that this list is not exhaustive and there are many other great BPO providers available. It’s important for a company to research and compare different providers to find the best fit for their specific needs.


India is widely considered to be the leader in Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) services. The country has a large and well-developed BPO industry, which has grown significantly over the past few decades. India has a number of advantages that make it an attractive location for BPO companies, such as a large pool of highly educated and English-speaking workers, a relatively low cost of labor, and a supportive government that has actively encouraged the growth of the BPO industry.

The Philippines is also considered as one of the major player in BPO industry, as it also have a large pool of highly educated and English-speaking workers, the costs of labor and living are low, and the country’s government has invested in the necessary infrastructure to support the growth of the BPO sector. The country is known for its customer service operations, particularly in the voice-based services.

Other countries that have a significant BPO industry include China, South Africa, Mexico, and Brazil. Each country has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the specific factors that make a country an attractive location for BPO companies can vary depending on the type of services being offered and the specific needs of the company outsourcing the work. The BPO industry is competitive and dynamic and the ranking may change over the time as different countries are investing more on the BPO sectors and improving their infrastructure and policies.


Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) involves outsourcing certain business functions to a third-party provider. There are many different types of BPO services, but some of the most common include:

  1. Customer Service: This type of BPO service includes handling customer inquiries, complaints, and orders via phone, email, or chat.

  2. Finance and Accounting: This type of BPO service includes handling financial tasks such as invoicing, bookkeeping, payroll, and financial statement preparation.

  3. Human Resources: This type of BPO service includes handling tasks such as employee recruitment, benefits administration, and compliance with employment laws.

  4. Supply Chain and Logistics: This type of BPO service includes managing the movement of goods from the point of origin to the point of consumption, including procurement, warehousing, and transportation management.

  5. IT Services: This type of BPO service includes managing and maintaining a company’s IT infrastructure and systems, including data backup and recovery, software development, and network security.

These five BPO services are widely used across the industries, but BPO providers can offer more specialized services that cater to the specific needs of certain industries such as healthcare, legal, engineering, R&D etc. A BPO service provider can offer a combination of these services to customers as well, allowing companies to outsource multiple functions to one provider for better coordination and cost efficiencies. As the industry is fast evolving, new services also get added based on the market demand and technological advancements.

“IT” stands for Information Technology, which refers to the use of technology to manage, process, and store data, as well as to automate various business processes. “BPO” stands for Business Process Outsourcing, which involves outsourcing certain business functions to a third-party provider.

IT and BPO are often used together because many companies use technology to automate and improve various business processes. For example, a company might use a software system to automate its accounting processes, or it might use a customer relationship management system to improve its sales and marketing efforts. When a company outsources these IT-enabled processes, it is often referred to as “IT BPO” or “IT-BPO.”

In IT-BPO the service providers are expertise in IT and they provide IT enabled services to their clients, they use the latest technology to automate and improve the clients’ business processes and make it more efficient. IT-BPO services are in high demand, as companies look to cut costs and improve efficiency while still maintaining access to the latest technology and IT expertise.

To sum up, BPO that involves IT enabled processes such as software development, data analytics, network management etc is often called as IT-BPO, as the IT skills and expertise are required to carry out these services and they make use of latest technology to make the process more efficient.


Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is primarily a private sector activity. It is typically done by companies that contract with other businesses or organizations to provide certain business functions or services. These BPO service providers are usually private companies, owned and operated by individuals or groups of investors. They are in the business to make profits and have to compete with other service providers to win business from potential clients.

That being said, there are also cases of government-led BPO initiatives as well. These can take many forms, but often involve a government agency or department outsourcing certain functions to private companies or organizations. This type of BPO can be implemented for a variety of reasons, such as to cut costs, improve efficiency, or to access specialized expertise that may not be available in-house.

Governments also play a regulatory role in the BPO industry, implementing laws and policies that affect how companies operate and compete. Some government also provide incentives to attract BPO companies to set up in their countries to generate employment and revenue. However, the industry is primarily driven by the private sector and majority of the BPO service providers are privately owned.


The salary for Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) positions in the United States can vary widely depending on factors such as the specific role, location, experience, and qualifications of the employee, as well as the size and type of company.

For entry-level positions, such as customer service representatives, the salary can range from around $30,000 to $45,000 per year. With experience, it can go upto $50,000 to $60,000.

For management and supervisory positions, such as team leaders and managers, the salary can be significantly higher, ranging from around $60,000 to $100,000 or more per year.

Positions that require specialized skills, such as IT professionals, can have even higher salaries. For example, a software engineer or systems analyst working in BPO company can earn an average salary of $90,000 to $120,000 per year.

It’s worth noting that the above figures are only approximate estimates and the actual salary for a BPO position in the USA may be different based on the specific company, location, and role, as well as the employee’s qualifications and experience. Additionally, some BPO companies offer other benefits like health insurance, retirement plans, vacation time, and other perks.

It’s important to note that salary ranges can vary widely in some cases depending on the industry, location, and specific role. Therefore, it’s a good idea to research the typical salary range for a specific BPO position in the location where you are considering applying.

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is the practice of contracting with a third-party provider to handle certain business functions or services. BPO can involve outsourcing a wide range of functions, including back office tasks such as data entry, accounting, and human resources, as well as front office tasks such as customer service, sales, and technical support.

The process of BPO typically involves several steps:

  1. Identifying the processes to be outsourced: A company will identify the business processes that it wants to outsource to a third-party provider. This may include functions such as customer service, data entry, accounting, or IT support.

  2. Researching and selecting a provider: Once the company has identified the processes it wants to outsource, it will research and select a BPO provider that has the expertise, experience, and infrastructure to handle those processes.

  3. Negotiating and signing a contract: After the company has selected a BPO provider, it will negotiate and sign a contract that outlines the scope of the work, the service level agreements, and the financial terms of the agreement.

  4. Transitioning the work: Once the contract is signed, the BPO provider will work with the company to transition the work to its own employees. This process may involve training the BPO provider’s employees on the company’s processes and systems, as well as transferring data and other resources.

  5. Ongoing management and monitoring: Once the transition is complete, the company will manage and monitor the work being done by the BPO provider. This may involve regularly reviewing reports, communicating with the provider about any issues or changes, and making adjustments as needed.

BPO can provide many benefits to companies, including cost savings, improved efficiency, and access to specialized expertise. However, it’s important for a company to carefully research, select, and manage its BPO provider to ensure that the work being done is of high quality and that the provider is meeting the agreed-upon service level agreements.


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